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Próxima Clase de video conferencia (Zoom) para Kids 4

Cuándo: Viernes 8 de mayo, 18 hs.

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Meeting ID: 712 7316 7524
Password: 5apK5P

Lesson 6

Hello Kids 4! Welcome to lesson 6. Today we are going to read about parades, and what the people in paredes wear.

Hola Kids 4! Bienvenidos a la lección 6. Hoy vamos a hablar sobre desfiles y qué ropa usa la gente en ellos.

Let´s begin with this exercise.

If you have the Activity Book, do the exercises on page 22. If you do not have the AB, print the page below.

What clothes do you wear on special days? ( a nice dress, a shirt and tie, sandals, etc)

Lets read about parades around the world.

If you have the Activity Book, do the exercises on page 23. If you do not have the AB, print the page below.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is print.jpeg

Now at this video. It´s awsome!

This exercise is Not in the Activity Book. You have to print it.

Now do the lesson test.

That is the end of the class. See you in the Zoom lesson!

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